Hello everyone!
Guess what I've been doing with my time?
Listening to classical music and online (window) shopping!
I'm so incredibly excited for spring and summer; I can't contain it! My friend showed me this website called Wantworthy which is just a big wishlist comprising of all of the possible online shops on the web. It's absolutely amazing. No longer will I keep tabs open for weeks on end!
Anyway, if you want to check out some of the stuff I've been coveting, the link to my list is here.
All of the pictures of clothing/accessories I am posting can be found on my list, which will direct you to where you can purchase them! Anyway, here are some summer pieces I can't wait to get :)
I've really been loving the yellow/navy/white/red color scheme for summer, so you should be seeing that represented on my blog in the next few months!
Hello everyone!
I have been needing to get a new pair of eyeglasses since my beloved black pair broke :( RIP Megan's Glasses
But since this unfortunate event occurred, I am able to brand-spankin' new glasses!
I've limited my options down to three choices and I'm having the hardest time deciding. What do you think? This violet pair:
Hey guys!
I keep trying to find motivation to write a new post every other day but for some reason I'm just not finding it. Recently I've really been finding myself not motivated to do a lot of things! Homework is getting increasingly more difficult to do, and I'm just not finding as much enjoyment in life as I usually do.
This morning, while getting ready to go shopping I listened to this song by Ben Folds, Nick Hornby, and Pomplamoose:
Upon listening I had a slight epiphany that went along the lines of "what am I doing with my life?" and "I should make every second of my being mean something, because my time is limited and I can do an incredible amount of good for the world." Upon thinking this, I felt like I should actually start posting more and making more music and videos.
I only have less than a year and a half to live out my childhood and I am going to make the most of it. I have so many abilities I can use to help the world, and I waste them on telling myself I don't have enough time to do anything when in reality I'm only wasting my time.
There ya' go.
If you have had time finding inspiration for anything recently, take a listen to this song and think to yourself:"Am I happy with who I am and what I do with my time?" If you answer no, maybe it's a good time to start making change in the world.