Friday, December 14, 2012

Out-erwear for the Out-Going

Each of these coats I found on the--of course--marvelous website of Modcloth. I'll say it a thousand times: I am in LOVE with this website. I have probably spent around $300 dollars on clothing from this website alone.
Whenever I'm feeling a little drained fashion or creativity wise, I take a quick peak at some of their items and it always gives me some inspiration.
I would wear every one of these coats until the stitches rip, they are just so adorable.
Anything with "fur" is faux and vegan! So if you thought that would prevent you, you're in luck!
Anyway, sorry this post is a little short and quick but I'm at school (en la classe de francaise) and I have no ability to creat collages and whatnot.
Yesterday, I went to a flea market and I picked up some pretty fantastic stuff, so either today or tomorrow I will be posting pictures/prices. Possibly a thrift with me post?
Regardless, you're all lovely and I will talk to you soon!
Au Revoir

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Wishing on Wednesday: Velvet Edition

Velvet Dreams

These are, of course, a few items that I have been eyeing! I am in love with velvet. I think it's probably the best fabric out of them all. You will definitely be seeing more velvet in my wardrobe :) (Hopefully that adorable dress from Romwe!)

As a heads up, finals are coming around and my schedule has just been B-U-S-Y! Hopefully I will still have the time to post! A quick update on my room: It's almost finished! It's almost finished! IT'S ALMOST FINISHED!
I'm s o giddy with joy that I could sing! But I won't harm your ears in that way--don't worry. All I have left to do is paint, carpet, and then decorate! My favorite part! I can't wait. You can expect to see more posts and DIY projects once I'm all settled in. I have a few ideas for affordable, cute Christmas presents!

Have a lovely night!
High waist dress

Longsleeve dress
$63 -

Metallic skirt

Dr Martens dr marten
$145 -

River island
$19 -

Round Pintuck Pillow

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

A Day in the Life

Hello everyone! :)
Again, I can make as many excuses as I want about not being able to post but that doesn't change the fact that I haven't been posting!
My room is FINALLY almost finished! We just need to put in the doors, the carpet, and paint the walls. I AM SO EXCITED!
If you were not informed, I am currently living in our "office" on a blow up mattress. It's awful. But hey, at least I have a bed.
Anyway, for my photography club we were assigned to take a camera around with us one day and take a photo set themed as A Day in the Life.

Rather than taking my digital camera I decided to do something a little different.
A while back my friend and I found a Goodwill selling expired disposable cameras, so of course I bought a few.
All of the pictures below were taken on one of these cameras. Some of them turned out so pretty and others look like utter crap.
Here is the result!

Fell asleep with the computer next to me, haha.

An unusually warm December day.

Odie. Not a wiener dog but a sausage.

Picking out a tree.

Thrift store!

Unflattering angle of my legs!

Our weeping angel.

Lunch at a pub.

Crafting at night!